Saturday, August 31, 2019

Communication and Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults Essay

Unit 301 – Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults. 1.1 – Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults because it ensures strong relationships between on another and helps create a positive working environment. By demonstrating and modelling effective communication skills with others you will create positive relationships. It is important that we know how to communicate to one another in a polite, friendly manner even in moments of stress. If we have positive relationships with children, young people and adults we are more likely to communicate information to one another. By thinking about the different ways we can communicate to each other this will ensure positive working relationships are carried out. 1.2 – If we can ensure children, young people and adults are comfortable in our company this will encourage relationship building. It is important that we build on positive relationships with one another to create a friendly, happy and positive environment to work in. Children, young people and adults can pick up on unfriendly or negative atmospheres so by ensuring that we are relationship building with one another and are creating positive relationships through effective communication the whole setting will benefit. There are a few key points that ensure a positive relationship. These include; Effective communication, Being considerate, Maintaining a sense of humour, Showing respect, Remembering issues which are personal to them, Taking time to listen to others and Being clear on points. All of these key points will help build positive relationships with others. 1.3 – When working in different social, professional and cultural contexts it is important that we learn how to adapt the way we communicate in different situations. When working with others it is important that we consider the context in which w e are working. For example, if I was in a meeting I would use more formal language and behaviour. If I was communicating with a parent it would be more informal and more personal. It is important that all practitioners are aware of different types of communication with adults. For example, if I had a professional conversation over the phone, I would ensure that I listened well, I was attentive and responded well when speaking to the other party. When dealing with other professionals there will be meetings and discussions as well as more informal communication at times. On some occasions non-spoken forms of communication can be an issue if they aremisread by others. For example, how quickly someone responds to an email or phone message. It is also important that we are aware that different cultures will have their own norms of behaviour which will extend to gestures, body language and eye contact. 2.1 – In order to have effective communication with children and young people you need to demonstrate a number of skills. Children learn to communicate through the response of oth ers: If they do not feel that their contributions are valued, they are less likely to initiate communication themselves. Whilst communicating with children and young people it is very important that you make eye contact and actively listen. Body language is extremely important. When interacting with children and young people you should get down to their level. Children are aware of facial expressions and how approachable you are. It is important that we as practitioners smile and react in a positive way to what children are saying. It is important that we allow children the chance to communicate and make sure that they are given sufficient opportunities to talk. As practitioners we should always react and comment on what children and young people are saying. On some occasions you may need to repeat back to pupils to check our understanding, particularly if they have used incorrect language. One of the main skills is to always be interested in what children have to say and ensure we respond and question children to maintain conversation. For children to be able to communicate effectively we should encourage them to ask questions and put their ideas forward. 2.2 – In order to build relationships with children, you will need to adapt your behaviour and communication accordingly. By effectively communicating and interacting with children of all ages, cultures and abilities it will help them feel secure and valued. A) It is important that you adapt the way you communicate when interacting with children and young people of different ages. When interacting with younger children they may need more reassurance. They may also need to have more physical contact as a result. Children of different ages will require varying levels of attention. It is important that we know how to adapt our vocabulary and we consider how to interact positively with children and young people as we listen and respond to them. B) When working with children you will be dealing with children in a variety of different situations. It is important that we adapt our verbal communication accordingly. For instance, if a group of children and me are carrying out acircle time activity it is important that all the children are engaged and focused and that I have dealt with any distractions before they interrupt my activity. However, when talking to children in more social situations such as lunchtime or free play, it is important that we use this time to create and develop positive relationships with children, although we should always speak to them in a way which maintains the relationship of professional carer to child. C) When working with children who have communication differences it is important to ensure care and sensitivity. Some children will need to take their time and may feel under pressure when they are speaking. It is very important that we adapt the way in which we communicate accordingly to the child’s individual needs. Some children may not have many opportunities to speak, or may be anxious or nervous. If they have a speech disorder, such as a stammer, or conditions which make communication difficult for them, they should be allowed to take their time and not feel rushed. It is important that we try not to fill in words for them or guess what they are going to say, as this may add to their distress. When working with children who have communication differences you may need additional training such as makaton or sign language. This is so you are able to communicate effectively. In some cases where children have special educational needs you may need to have additional equipment in order to communicate with one another. 2.3 – When communicating with adults and with children there are many similarities, always maintaining eye contact and interest, responding to what they are saying and treating them with courtesy and respect. However when communicating with children it is very important to maintain the relationship of carer to child and what this means in a preschool setting. Children will always see adults as carers no matter how well you get along with one another and we have to ensure that our relationship with them will always be on a formal basis when in school and out. When communicating with children we need to be clear so they understand what is expected of them and so they can learn to communicate themselves. When communicating with children it is important that the vocabulary and verbal expressions we use are at the right level for all children. It is also very important that we as carers do not encourage physical contact when communicating with them. It can be very hard to avoid this with young children as they will often initiate hugs. In this situation it would be inappropriate to tell them not to. However we should not offer physical contact with children or be overly physical with them at any time. 2.4 – There are many ways in which we can adapt communication to meet different communication needs of adults. It is important that we are sensitive to the needs of other adults, particularly if they have communication difficulties. It is important that we adapt the way we communicate. Sometimes we will do this without even realizing. For example, if I am speaking to a parent or carer who has a hearing impairment, I will make sure that I am facing them and I am making eye contact so that they can lip read. It is important that when working with adults that have communication needs we observe, reflect and adapt our means of communication. If a parent speaks English as an additional language (E.A.L) we may need to have a translator and meet together if the information we are communicating is complex or difficult to convey. 2.5 – When managing disagreements, it is important that we do so carefully so that bad feelings do not persist afterwards. In many cases, disagreements are down to lack of communication or miscommunication with others. Poor communication can cause conflict within in certain areas, between carers and children and young people and between carers and adults. The best way to resolve areas of poor communication is to discuss them to establish a cause and then find a way forward together. The important thing to do is not to ignore the problem or talk to everyone else about it except the individual concerned. Sometimes adults may not have the same ideas about the purpose of an activity or meeting, or come with a different idea in mind. It is important to always clarify the aims of what we are there to do and why. Different values and ideas can cause disagreements between parents and settings. It is important that we work alongside parents and explain or clarify why things need to happen in a different way at nursery. Sometimes adults can act in an aggressive way if they are not sure about what they are doing or lack in confidence. It is very important that we are sensitive to this and offer encouragement and support. 3.1 – In settings we ask parents and carers for a variety of information so that we are able to care for children as effectively as we can while they are with us. These records include Record of information, Health and medical records and records for children who have special educational needs. These records are confidential and are only used for the purpose for which it was gathered. If theinformation needs to be passed on to others for any reason, parental consent will need to be given. This is asked for when a child starts nursery and their parent or carer will fill out a consent form. This information is confidential and can only be shared with people with a right to access it. For example, the child’s key worker, line manager or an external agency. The Data Protection Act 1998 is a legislation that all child care settings must adhere to along with Every Child Matters. Within Peter Pan Nursery we ask all parents to sign a consent form which allows practitioners to take photographs for the evidence of the child’s development and for displays. It is very important that all practitioners are aware that you should not pass on any information about the child or their family to other parents, other professionals unless their parents have been consulted or visitors. 3.2 –When all parents / carers hand over the child’s record of information, health and medical records and any records of special educational needs we ensure that they are aware that all this information is kept in a file which is in a locked cabinet in the office and is confidenti al. We make all parents aware that the only time any information is passed on without the parents’ consent is when we feel that the child may be in need, if the child is at risk or is being abused. Also if the child has any medical conditions then certain information may be passed on to other carers. For example, if a child has asthma or epilepsy. At Peter Pan Nursery we have information boards in each of the units displaying photographs of children with their medical conditions or allergies in an area of which only carers can access. 3.3 – At Peter Pan Nursery we have a policy in place called ‘Whistle blowing’. This means that if you think there is a suspected case of child abuse or if you think a child or young person is at risk or a practitioner is behaving in an unusual way then it is important to blow the whistle and tell the line manager. If another practitioner confides in you, it is important to remember that there are situations in which you may need to tell others. It is very important that if a child, young person or adult confides in you, you must at all times tell the individual that you will not be able to keep confidentiality if they disclose something to you in which you cannot keep to yourself for these reasons.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Early memories

â€Å"Hi It's me†. That's what you always said when you used to call me. The velvet angelic voice that broke the silence of those lonely winter days. Your voice was like a disguise, an invisible coat which disguised many mysteries that collaged into one big jigsaw, which could have simply be defined as your lifestory. Although I had been knowing you for a long time, I had never managed to aquaint with your deepest feelings. Not that I blame you, or me for that; there is an old Chilean saying that states that it takes a lifetime to understand a woman, and another lifetime to learn how to deal with her. Like read about memories? Read also  Flashbulb memory! As I stand in my bedroom staring at the surroundings, I remember the past times in which our relationship was fluorishing, when one of your smiles would irrigate my empty mind with happiness and comfort. I had been spending a prolonged period of time In Latin America, visiting my family. I was anxious to see my relatives again, and apart from occasional spalshes of sadness and tears sheded in states of semi-unconciousness you didn't seem to resent much from my departure. It were those frigid sides of your personality that allowed you to conduct the type of life in which you lived through everyday. This was probably the reason why we seemed to get along so well with eachother, we mixed together with the same harmony in which the water from the sea and the sand from the bankshore mix: completely different creatures, native of completely different worlds fitting together like a key in a lock. It was a hot damp summer, the high temperatures of the tropics blurred my mind, just like the fumes coming from the exausts of the old american chevrolets blurred the intense blue sky that gave a magic atmosphere to this remote part of the globe. I would wake up around 7. 30 to start my morning job. I would distribute rations of bread to the neighbouring houses. By that time the empty streets would already be bursting with life. The distant shouts of the vendors in the market place, overcasted by the sound of the jarring traffic, would almost give a rythm to the fast and precise movements of the indigenous woman weaving colourful blankets made of Alpaca skin. I would grab something to eat, and then I would rapidly descend the stairs three steps at a time, as the small truck sounded the clackson. Roberto was already waiting for me at the back of the truck, he was wearing a brand new Guayabera which he said, had been a present for his birthday. When we finished distributing the bread, we would go collect fruit from the jungle, which was a delimiting territory of the region of Pinar Del Rio, feeling like grown ups with our machetes linked to the back of our belt. As the small truck accelerates, I gradually see my little neighbourhood with its palms and markets disappear in the distance, like a dye when mixed with water. The empty and recently built road, melts in with the sea and the surroundings giving the passengers on the vehicle the impression of living in a surrealist painting. Small drops of sweat fulgidly run down my forehead; as a gust of wind blows away a jasmine flower I had picked up on the way, it brings to my mind a wave of memories just like the river brings the detritus to the sea. I lean against a flower bag in the corner of the back of the truck, and you come to my mind again. It was the first few days, I had been guest to this new and alien country. Everything I saw I found peculiar, from the side on which english people drove on the road, to their unusual tradition of having dinner at five o'clock. As I stared in the eyes of these local people, I could only see ice and a melancholycal emptyness, which I wondered if was their nature or their response to my arrival. The first time I saw you I was expecting the same frigid and senseless look, and I was surprised as I noticed none of these elements were present in your look. This was probably the only reason I was so attracted to you initially. Your openiness, and the energy which bursted from the pores of your skin embraced me in a way it was impossible for me to escape, so I decided to surrender and let me carry away by this flow of positive sensation. I had noticed in you a pinch of shyness which arised only in specific situations and under the tension of certain questions. I was never really sure if you behaved like that because you were curious of me and you were trying to get to know me and my environment, just like a laboratory scientist is curious of the behaviour of their guinea-pig to evaluate their intelectual potential, or because you felt sorry for me and the situation I was imprisoned in. As the the days and months went by, our friendship grew stronger, but as all the good things came along so did the bad things. The cultural differences between us in obstacled our relationship in an indirect way. We could not see eachother very often, but this abstinence as well as the suspense which grew in between the times we didn't see eachother, added flavour too our relationship as well as avoiding it from losing originality. Though at times it was need to see you was immense and hard to revoke, especially when we did not have a chance too meet, it made our meetings more special in a way that I was sure I was not going to experience with any other person. Between the smiles and tears of which gave colour to this past year, I barely had time to reflect upon how sometime this will have to end. Now in between dream and reality, this idea comes back to me bringing along sadness and desolation. I wonder if you are thinking the same thing in this times I was out of the country. Out of nowhere a hand taps me on the shoulder and a voice says: † If you truly believe in a moment it will last forever. † I immediately open my eyes, and see Roberto smiling at me. Apparently I had been talking during my dream, and he had heard everything I had said. His arm approaches me again, and I notice the contrast of his brown skin being burned from the sun with the white shirt he was wearing. We had arrived to the jungle; one last time my thoughts and doubts rush into my mind, before our little group of kids start working on the first row of palms delimiting the known world from the mysterious and intriguing jungle.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Brief Outline of American Politics Assignment - 1

A Brief Outline of American Politics - Assignment Example It is considered that the speed of striding indicates the power of a person, and more speed means a person is powerful and physically fit. There is, however, a difference in the manner of walking by both the politicians. While walking, Vladimir moves his shoulders back and forth. He exudes energy while walking and makes strong gestures, all of which indicates that he has animal power and is extremely active and strong. On the other hand, Bush portrays himself as having the traditional American power. While walking, he does not make any significant movements of the shoulder. He appears to be calm and controlled which indicates that he does not waste his energy without reason. Bill Clinton has a rather charming personality which becomes apparent when he is communicating with ladies. This is reflected in the manner he smiles while speaking, and his voice is friendly and passionate. II. Karl Rove is the political advisor of Republican candidates and is regarded as a strong strategist. His major agenda is to attack the strong points of the opponents and make them seem like their weak points. For instance, there was the Republican presidential nominee John McCain in the 2008 United States presidential election. He had the reputation of being a war held and prisoner of war. As part of Karl Rove’s strategy, the supporters of George W. Bush in South Carolina created doubts that the years of torture by the Vietnamese may have mentally affected John McCain. In this way, Karl Rove undermined McCain’s glorification of being a war prisoner by alleging him as mentally incompetent (Slater, 2012). As part of 2006 presidential campaign of George W. Bush, Karl Rove has taken the advantage of immigrants for political gain. His strategy was to focus on anti-immigration policies to divert the attention from failed leadership. It was part of Rove’s divide and distract strategy within the Republican Party. He worked towards making the compromise on the issue of immigration in order to comply with the demands of congressional Republicans.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Whole Foods Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Whole Foods Market - Essay Example Not only did they satisfy the people in Texas they went well above and beyond. â€Å"Wow! What a ride. Back in 1980, we started out with one small store in Austin, Texas. Today, we’re the world’s leader in natural and organic foods, with more than 310 stores in North America and the United Kingdom. What a long, strange trip it’s been. We still honor our original ideals, and we think that has a lot to do with our success.† (About Whole Foods) It is very important to shed light upon the price of certain items sold in Whole Foods, the price is usually higher than the same grocery products sold in other stores, this is something which could be affecting the profits of Whole Foods. However, it is unclear as to why the price is higher than other grocery stores. There could be a number of reasons for this but at the end of the day what matters is profit and the quality of the products sold in the store. As far as the quality is concerned Whole Foods has always be en providing their customers with the very best products so quality is certainly not an issue but price is something which they need to work on only then can they increase their profits. Reducing the price does not mean it will hamper their growth, they can always find new ways or special offers which could fetch them even more profits, everything comes down to innovation. Thinking out of the box has become really important and one good pricing strategy can fetch a lot of profit to Whole Foods. Whole Foods does not promote the discount card scheme and this is really strange, it is strange because the customers who keep visiting the store do not get rewarded and they should be rewarded only then will they feel like coming over and over again. Discount cards will also bring Whole Foods new customers and finding new customers is really important for any business. This is the first change which Whole Foods must introduce; discount cards are the need of the hour. The economic conditions in the recent past have been anything but ideal considering the same Whole Foods must introduce discount cards and this change is ought to bring more clients which would imply more profit for the organization. Whole Foods can become even more popular by sponsoring events, sponsoring local events would be ideal just to make a start but in the long run the store can also sponsor sporting events so that it becomes even more popular. This is another very good way of attracting more clients. The Premier League is a classic example, Barclays in the UK started sponsoring the Premier League in England and it is now known as the Barclays Premier League and it is watched by Billions of people across the globe. Such sponsorship deals may be expensive for an organization but can prove very beneficial in the long run. Whole Foods should also look at similar opportunities so as to make their mark. Organic food is something in which Whole Foods specialize and they need to work on building a brand identity. The first thing which should come to minds of people when they think of organic food should be Whole Foods, this is not an easy job but it can be accomplished and there are several organizations who have accomplished the same and there is no reason as to why Whole Foods cannot achieve the same in the field of organic food. Aggressive promotion is another idea which could work well for Whole Foods, social networking websites have become incredibly popular, big organizations have their own Facebook pages and Whole Foods should also create a Fan page and keep it updated so that the people can know of the recent changes and the recent products being sold by Whole Foods. Twitter is another medium with the help of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

202#3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

202#3 - Assignment Example However, those confirmed guilty though to them being a difficult situation, I think ought to serve own respective sentences. Alternatively, if the sentences were lighter compared to what they are serving the respective authorities can review them to mention the appropriate sentences. Yes. I believe this is because many who find themselves in situations of this calibre do not exactly expound their actions similar to a reasonable person. However, legal systems due to their overreliance to psychiatrists’ reports, which may not reflect exact state of the involved party, end up convicted them unfairly (â€Å"Psyche Truth†) Since what most of them undergo is much and end up unmentioned or altogether disregarded by those supposed to help them lodge their cases. This is due to relying to psychiatrists who may err in undertaking their roles despite the legal system having numerous statutes claimed to protect each person based on his or her one is experiencing especially the ill patients who might have involved themselves in any

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cross-culture essay (Cross-National Work Experience Interview)

Cross-culture (Cross-National Work Experience Interview) - Essay Example rst, according to Melissa Honda, the major glaring difference between the Japanese and the USA workplace culture is the cooperation aspect of the workplace. This cultural difference is referred to as the collectivism vs. individualism difference (Yūki and Brewer, 136). In the USA, there is the tendency of most workers within a working environment doing their tasks on their own, and only engaging others when there is a need. Thus, to the extent that an individual in the USA workplace environment is able to accomplish all the required tasks by him/herself, then there is little engagement with the rest. However, the case is very different in Japan, more especially in the project management related industries, where the workplace mostly constitutes working groups as opposed to individuals. Individuals in Japan collaborate in every aspect of accomplishing their tasks, such that by the end of the project, the work is a product of various contributions, as opposed to being the product of individual specialty. In the high individualistic cultures, self-determination is highly valued (Gudykunst, 241). Thus, the USA work environment comprises of an environment where self-determination plays the biggest role in the accomplishment of tasks, such that there is a high level of segmentation and division of labor within organizations, based on the individual worker’s specialty. On the other hand, Japan presents a collaborated work environment where the tasks are more attributed to group work and group collaboration, such that the individual workers will work well in groups as opposed to working as individuals (Yūki and Brewer, 147). Thus, Melissa initially faced the challenge of accomplishing the designated tasks single-handedly when she joined her organization in the USA in 2012, and had to take a few months to get used to this different culture of working. Nevertheless, having worked for the organization for three years now, Melissa is now capable of working both as an

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Liability for nurses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Liability for nurses - Essay Example of performing a task and does not necessarily have to include accountability or liability in it; in addition, responsibility can be delegated while accountability and liability cannot be delegated (Cornock, 2011) Advancement of technology in the provision of health care to the patient is very vital in obtaining a quick and optimum treatment. However, the equipments if not used properly by nurses can lead to litigation issues in court. Some equipment usually stores the patient’s data and information, which should be confidential and private (Kim, Kim, & Lee, 2010). If a nurse forgets to store those data or information correctly can make other people access them and make them go public. This will result in a breach of patient privacy thus making the nurse liable for his/her action. According to Guido (2013), nurses need to be very vigilant while executing their duties to a void breach of ethical issues related to patient care. Advanced specialised care can make a nurse become liable for some of the action she/he takes the care. For example, when a nurse offers care that are beyond his/her scope as well as using equipments that he/she is not well oriented with can lead with, can lead to maim or permanent death. The nurse will be accountable for the action and risk being jailed. To promote quality health care amidst technological advances, a nurse should always be a Brest with the latest technology in use. The nurse should know its merits and demerits as well as attending a seminar to be taught on how to use the machine without infringing the patient’s rights. The nurse should read all the instructions and cautions before using a machine. In addition, nurses should work within their scope of work on what he/she was trained at, and document all the actions done while offering the service (Weinstein, 2009). If these are adhered to then nurses will utilise technology and avert litigations (Guido,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Nano-Thermal Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nano-Thermal Analysis - Essay Example hydrate & solvent 4) Assay development UV, HPLC, TLC 5) Stability      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Solution Thermal, hydrolysis, pH   Ã‚  Ã‚   In solid state Oxidation, proteolysis metal ion Derived properties    6) Microscopy Particle size and morphology 7) Bulk density Tablet and capsule formation 8) Flow properties Tablet and capsule formation 9) Compression properties Acid / excipient choice 10) Excipient compatibility Preliminary screen by DSC, Conformation by TLC POLYMORPHIC COMPOUNDS There are certain compounds that exist in more then one crystalline forms, this property is called polymorphism. Its evaluation is desirable during pre-formulation studies if the drug constitutes the major portion of the dosage form. Only one form of the polymorphic compound is thermodynamically active at a given temperature and pressure. Techniques for investigation for the stable form of polymorphs are microscopy (hot stage microscopy, X-ray diffraction, IR spectrophotometer, thermal analysis and dilalo metry.(Brittain,2009) THERMAL ANALYSIS It is the branch of science that deals with the properties of material that change with temperature. For the measurement of such properties various methods are used. the techniques all follow the change of specific physical property by the change of temperature or time in the specifically controlled environment, since moisture and temperature are the basic factors effecting the stability of the pharmaceutical compounds thus we take temperature to measure various parameters.(Menczel,2009) Thermal analysis Instrumental technique for describing various properties General method Acronym Property measured Application Differential scanning calorimetry DSC ?T, differential power input Measurement of kinetics Differential thermal analysis DTA ?T chemistry, pharmaceuticals, polymers Thermo- gravimetric Analysis TGA Mass composition, extent of cure, stability Thermo-mechanical Analysis TMA Length or volume Shear and torsion modulus of films, fibers, lami nates adhesives Dynamic mechanical Analysis DMA Viscoelastic properties rheological properties Dielectric Analysis DEA Dielectric properties isothermal crystallization Nano/micro-thermal Analysis n-TA Penetration, ?T Surface properties of solid dosage form THERMAL ANALYSIS OF PHARMACEUTICAL MATERIALS AND POLYMERS Techniques such as DSC, TG can investigate the transformation during polymorphic conversion.TGA is often used to measure residual solvents and moisture and solubility of the active materials in solvents. Polymers represent another large are for the application of thermal analysis, analysis of composite material such as glass or epoxy composites, analysis of raw material of packaging, effects of additives used in packaging material determined.TGA can also be used for fiber content determination of the composite. NANO-THERMAL ANALYSIS it is the local thermal analysis technique that allows obtaining understanding of thermal behavior of the materials combined with high spatial resolution imaging capabilities of the Atomic Force Microscopy with a spatial resolution

Discussion Question 2 Week 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Question 2 Week 6 - Assignment Example New employees have to be retrained so as to think outside the box when making decisions. The employees have the ability to relate with people they meet outside the business hence creating a good rapport with potential customers. Empowerment of the employees creates trust in them, as they are motivated in displaying their creativity, initiative and commitment in the decision making process required to propel the achievement of the hotel’s goals (Cameron, 2010). Also by being entrusted with decision making about their own jobs, the employees invest more in the overall performance of the company. By adding challenges to their jobs and giving them a sense of ownership, the employees became motivated (Rutkowski, 2011). With this empowerment, services provided to customers are of highest standards. Services such as stocking extra towels in the guest rooms, provision of quality food, and quick delivery of the customers’ requirements is observed. With this empowerment, organizational goals were achieved, and ways of performing jobs in the boutique hotel improved (Rutkowski,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Fresh Direct Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Fresh Direct - Case Study Example This paper outlines that Jason Ackerman and Joseph Fedele. As a result, many retail grocery stores started offering their service online by developing their websites; online grocery shopping was considered as the best way of doing shopping for food and it affected sales of various retail giants. In order to place an order, the customers need to have an order of $30 along with delivery fees. The company was significantly impacted when competition intensified in the industry as competitors started offering local organic and grown food items but there were some aspects that these emerging competitors were unable to compete with the company. FreshDirect claimed to have revenue of about $250 million which is an increase of almost $20 million from previous year; the customer base is within the range of 20-25%. YourGrocer has been launched with strategy focusing on bulk buying as customers prefer to order in large quantities of goods and get instant deliveries which is being offered by this online grocery store According to Johnson et al., Porter’s five forces model is important for assessing the position of a company in its industry. It will help in making decisions strategically that will help in increasing profitability of FreshDirect. The threat of new entrants is low in online grocery industry as new entrants will have to invest huge capital amount and need to have experience along with understanding about advance technological system for efficient management. Any new entrant will have to learn various aspects on online grocery stores and have access to reliable suppliers and well-known distributors. Customers these days are aware of various options that are available online and have high power for bargaining their prices and needs. It is easier for customers to switch to other competitors if they are not provided high quality products at affordable price range.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Financial Analysis of Steel Industry - Arcelormittal and Us Steel Essay Example for Free

Financial Analysis of Steel Industry Arcelormittal and Us Steel Essay Stock Evaluation Project Steel Industry Industry Analysis Steel is a part of metals and mining industry which is highly cyclical in nature, and when the economy at large suffers, this industry suffers with it. The most recent five years have been a struggle for this particular industry along with uncertain economic indicators, and steel companies’ stocks have trended downwards. The metals and mining industry is comprised of companies that engage in exploration, mine development, and ore mining. The industry includes precious metals mining for metals such as gold, silver, platinum as well as mining and processing industrial metals such as steel, copper, aluminum. The industry is mature, cyclical, capital intensive and dominated by large companies. Some of the major names in the Steel Sector of this industry are Commercial Metals (CMC), Steel Dynamics (STLD), Reliance Steel (RS), AK Steel (AKS), ArcelorMittal (MT), U.S.Steel (X). The US steel industry is currently worth more than $50 billion with annual growth rates around 1% to 2%. Process chains are long with high production volumes. Recently, large quantities of low-cost imports have impeded growth. However, the industry has seen enhanced productivity, energy efficiency, and higher yield due to restructuring, downsizing, and widespread implementation of new technologies. In the coming years, overcapacity and price instability may remain critical. Thereby, efficient production, better-suited products, enhanced capacity utilization and environmentally friendly practices are vital factors to future success. Demand comes from transportation, packaging, consumer electronics, construction, aerospace and power companies, which leads industry, overtly responsive to economic conditions. Companies are responding to pricing pressures through consolidation and vertical integration, which is aimed at streamlining the supply chain. Future growth for the US metals and mining industry also depends upon demand from BRIC nations, developing countries, and domestic consumers. The industry has always faced a number of challenges including environmental concerns, deteriorating ore grades, overproduction, technological changes, and the global economy. Intense competition from nations such as Canada, Russia, China and Mexico pose threats to the US mining industry because those nations have lower labor costs, lax  environmental regulations and lower operating costs. Sustainability of high prices, resurgent global demand, particularly from the Asia-Pacific region, and signs of increasing industrial output across Europe and the United States may boost industry performance. Conclusively, in anticipation of J-curve yield in the industry index, we can expect greater demand in near future due to a combination of rising GDP, another increase in auto sales, and inventory accumulation by distributors, which would further lead to an increase in the volume of steel shipped in 2013. In the Figure 1.1 below, one could clearly see the downward trend of the Dow Jones US Steel Index for the last five years. And as we all know, what goes down comes back up therefore, we must rebalance our portfolios along with this cyclicality. Figure 1.1 Dow Jones US Steel Index (Point and Figure Chart) U.S.Steel (X) United States Steel was founded in 1901 and is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. United States Steel Corporation, through its subsidiaries, engages in the production and sale of steel products primarily in North America and Europe. The company has gone through a business cycle in the past 10 years and currently at its low yet a stable condition. This is due to several reasons, which are explained clearly by the ratios and the Z-score, as plotted by the help of Altman Z’s Model. The companys liquidity has been fairly stable besides the times of 2008-2009 financial crises. If we smooth out an average for turnover measure, we could also conclude that the company’s management is doing fairly well in using the assets. Financial Leverage measure seems to be the only component affecting the Altman Z Score significantly, inflicting a bias in the usage of the model to solely depend on this method of deriving the company health. Also, if we draw a line at 2.0 ratio level, there is a bubble growth in the Z-score during 2005 and 2008, as shown in the figure 1.2 below. Figure 1.2 Altman Z-score Model for U.S.Steel ArcelorMittal (MT) ArcelorMittal engages in the production and marketing of finished and semi-finished carbon steel and stainless steel products worldwide. The company serves automotive, appliance, engineering, construction, energy, and machinery industries. The company, formerly known as Mittal Steel Company N.V., was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. The stock performance has been quite interesting for this company over past 10-12 years. From $0.63/per share in 2001 to the highs of $97 just prior to its downfall, to $12/share approx. after 12 years, tells us a lot about the business cycle of steel sector. As plotted by the ratios derived by Altman Z-Score model below, it is very clear that besides Turnover and Financial Leverage ratios, no other ratio changed significantly in last 10 years and the company stock performed rationally if we consider business cycle but irrationally, if we consider the all other financial measures. Again the spike in the Z-score in the early 2000s reflects the spike in Financial Leverage of the company. However, at this point in time, the company looks as in congruence to the low levels of the industry, yet healthy and we could anticipate an upcoming up-trend in its performance. Figure 1.3 Altman Z-Score model for ArcelorMittal

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Customer As Benefit A Positioning Strategy Marketing Essay

Customer As Benefit A Positioning Strategy Marketing Essay Positioning is to make happy consumers to perceive products and services and what strategies marketing adopt to reach this perceptual goal. Positioning strategies is very important for business in marketing sector. It can be performed from the object attributes, competition, application and the types of consumers involved, or the characteristics of the product class. All these attributes convey a separate direction in developing positioning strategies; it can create a favorable image in the minds of the consumers or audience. There are seven approaches to positioning strategies: 1. Using Product characteristics or Customer as benefit a positioning strategy: Product characteristics strategy originally focuses upon the characteristics of the product or customer benefits. Product characteristics can be durability, economy or reliability. Product quality is the main subject in this strategy. 2. Pricing as a positioning strategy: In this strategies depend on products quality and price. People want to get good quality in cheap price. 3. Positioning strategy based on Use or Application: When companies produce a product, in the same time they have to think about its alternative product. They need to make seasonal product also. 4. Positioning strategy based on Product Process: Product can be different by people choice. It depends on different types of fashion. Here same products need to present various ways. Product class can be several by people choice. 5. Positioning strategy based on Product Class: In this strategy product class need to make sure that critical positioning decisions. Here need similar types of product for its alternatives or substitute. 6. Positioning strategy based on Cultural Symbols: In this stage companies are trying to show that they respect culture and tradition. They use different types of goods that are no conflicted with culture. 7. Positioning strategy based on Competitors: In this type of positioning strategies, Companies are trying to stay in the market they try to make new brand as they can continue in the market and they can face other competitors. This strategy adopted because of competition. For every company positioning strategy is very effective. Every company should follow this strategy for their business. In the XCITE church, they could follow the 7 steps of positioning strategy. But they did not maintain positioning strategy. As a result the church could not afford to employ a full-time pastor and the church depended on volunteer workers. Unique positioning: Creating of awareness for a business, not-for-profit institution or association doesnt begin or finish with a mission statement. In fact, legation statements are a waste of time in todays world because they are singularly inward-looking and useless. Consciousness comes from a single peculiar positioning message that stimulates a conversation, and a spirit to know more. For unique positioning a unopposed and coercive positioning message is necessary because it sets apart from other competitors. To be successful, Companies must focus on one thing and be the best at it. The part of church service is to spread their service to people and welcome them to church. To increase churchs member and becoming more integrated within community, the following information may be of some help. Though by no means exhaustive, these are techniques that have worked for churches in the past, and which may work for community, as well. A Clear statements Make sure that convention has a clear statement of faith and the role it wants to take on in the community at large. A clear statement can help to find new member for community, and can help to draw new members to the church. The affection and compassion of Christ are endless, and endlessly shareable through community and brotherhood. It can help to make strong community. Charity Work The churchs services are involved with charity work. The church service is a great way to become more involved with the community. Try to make the church a resource for people who are interested in helping their community, whether theyre Christian or not. Gather information about them who are interested in charity and volunteer work. Community Events Community events are significant path to engage with the society and make neighborhood at the society. Youth Programs Young people can do any hard job easily. Teenagers are very curious about anything. Hiking, Skiing, and rock climbing trips, battles of the bands and camping retreats all provide opportunities for the youth nearest the church community to invite their friends of other faiths from the community at large to join in activities of friendship and togetherness. Working with other Religious Organizations working with other religious organizations can help to make partnership and friendship. Reach out to make friendships with church leaders of other denominations and faiths. Communication is often the first step creating a stronger and more unified neighborhood at the community. People in Need Some times church provides social services such as addicted and homeless people often receptive to spiritual guidance in a practical form. Also, single parents, in particular, are often in need of support and advice from their community, and your church has the opportunity to take a major role in the lives of such people and their children. The XCITE Church cannot maintain its unique positioning in the high competitive church market because the church had not enough resource to run their services properly. They had no full time pastor and also no musicians. The XCITE church had not own venue for their weekly services and run under a volunteer pastor. The church depends on international students and facing financial problem also. To continue churchs activity they need strong financial base but they had not enough wealth. On the other hand, other churchs had huge space for their weekly services and they added new services continuously to their menu. They added new food item on their food menu. The XCITE church had not unique positioning to run their services in the highly competitive church market. Reference List: Positioning Strategy. 2012. Positioning Strategy. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 October 2012]. The Importance of Positioning Strategy | Proteus B2B Marketing Blog. 2012. The Importance of Positioning Strategy | Proteus B2B Marketing Blog. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 October 2012]. How to increase Church Membership. 2012. How to increase Church Membership. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 October 2012]. How to Increase Church Staff Without Spending a Dime by Ron Edmondson Christian Leadership Blogs, Articles, Videos, How Tos, and Free Resources. 2012. How to Increase Church Staff Without Spending a Dime by Ron Edmondson Christian Leadership Blogs, Articles, Videos, How Tos, and Free Resources. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 October 2012]. Unique Positioning in One Sentence | David Henderson author, journalist, communications strategist. 2012. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2012]. The key challenges faced by XCITE church The XCITE church faced some challenges. The first challenge was financial crisis. They could not spend more money for its operating cost. They had not own venue so they had to rent venue for their weekly services and the church spent huge money on its promotional materials. Church had to struggle for covering the operational cost. Most of the church members are student thats why they could not donate properly to the church. They had to depend on non members for their church activities. As church had financial crisis so they could not employ a full-time pastor. They dependent on volunteer pastor but weekdays he was not available at all. The pastor could not obey his duty properly. Members could not meet pastor when they need so some members were leaving the church. As a result the quality of churchs service goes down. During exam time student cannot co-operate properly due to their study loads also semester break same happened on the church. The XCITE church had limited element such a s pastoral care, hospitality and music systems. So the people cannot attend to their churchs ministries. Other main problems are to face XCITE church that is in the church-business they had competitors at the same area. Other competitors had huge space and many facilities. XCITE church caters for only university students but other church can arrange cater for families, students, elderly and children. To overcome from this key challenges XCITE church can apply SWOT analysis system. SWOT analysis system SWOT stands for strengths(S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T). An overview of the four factors (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) is given below- Strengths Strengths are the abilities that enable to accomplish to the organizations target. Strengths can be tangible or intangible. These are what well-versed in or what expertise in the organization, the attachments and qualities individually or team and the distinct features that give to organization for its patience. Strengths are the beneficial appearances of the organization or the efficiencies of an organization, that includes process capabilities, human competencies, products and services, customer goodwill, financial resources, and brand loyalty. For the examples of strengths are broad product line, huge financial resources, no debt, committed employees, etc. If XCITE church can manage its financial condition they could solve the problem. The church had not enough money thats why it faces problem to maintain its operational cost. Weaknesses Weaknesses are the abilities that prevent from accomplishing to the mission and achieving its full potential. These weaknesses collapse influences on the organizational success and growth. For weaknesses of an organization may be faced depreciating machinery, insufficient research and development facilities, narrow product range, and poor decision-making problems. Weaknesses are manageable. Weaknesses must be minimized and eliminated form organization. The church had not full-time pastor. XCITE church had not enough materials. They depend on students only. Opportunities Opportunities are dedicated by the environment within an organization operates. Opportunities are arisen when an organization planning to increase its business range in this situation employ can take benefit of conditions in its environment to plan and execute strategies that enable it to become more profitable as they can prove their ability. Organizations also can gain competitive advantage by making use of opportunities in their farm or industries. Opportunities may emerge from industry/market competition, government and technology. Increasing demand for service opportunities may be arise and employ can prove their skills to the authority. If the XCITE church could accept people from their community and arrange competition to young people who wants to work as volunteer worker for the church could make opportunities for young eople. XCITE church could add some opportunities to their volunteer workers. Church could add cater for families, students, elders, children. They can arrange Sunday school for kids and nice music also. Threats When a company or organization established in their own business and getting more profit then threats-Threats may arise. Threats are uncontrollable. Any times it can create for business. When a threat comes, the durability and uplift can be at stake. For the examples of threats are increasing competitions leading to excess capacity, unrest among employees, changing technology, price wars and reducing industry profits, etc. XCITE churchs main threats are other huge church and their special services. SWOT Analysis take steps about information that helps in the firms resources and capabilities with the competitive environment. If XCITE church applies SWOT analysis to its operation it can solve its all limitations. It will be effective for XCITE church. The SWOT analysis is a valuable step in church situational analysis. Assessing churchs strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis is a very simple process that can offer powerful insight into the potential and critical issues affecting for church. References SWOT Analysis Definition, Advantages and Limitations. 2012. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 October 2012]. SWOT Analysis Strategy Tools from . 2012. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 October 2012]. If I would the pastor of XCITE church I would follow the first strategic option. I would continue focusing on university students because I believe Young people can do everything. They have energy to do hard job and they are fresh. To find additional sources of income I would apply marketing mix strategy. To face the challenges I would apply extended marketing mix known as 7 ps. Marketing mix Marketing mix strategy  is about achieving marketing objectives through proper analysis of the 7 Ps or elements of marketing. 7 Ps are: Product XCITE churchs product is their service. Everyday church should add extra offer and need to compare services with other churchs service. Product should be significant from others product. Church should offer its products or service at all in the current market place. Prices The second P in the formula is price. Develop the habit of continually examining and reexamining the prices of the products and services church sell to make sure theyre still appropriate to the realities of the current market. Sometimes church need to lower prices. At other times, it may be appropriate to raise its price. Many companies have found that the profitability of certain products or services doesnt justify the amount of effort and resources that go into producing them. Occasionally churchs needed to change its terms and conditions for sale and need to package sale. Promotion The third habit in marketing and sales is to think in terms of promotion all the time. Promotion includes all the ways to tell customers about the products or services and how market and sell to them. Only for promotion sale can be raised dramatically. Even small changes in advertising can lead immediately to higher sales. For publicity posters and lift let can be distributed. Place The fourth P in the marketing mix is the place where the product or service is actually sold. Develop the habit of reviewing and reflecting upon the exact location where the customer meets. The XCITE churchs need specific place for its weekly program. As they can rent this place for various purpose. People People are an essential ingredient in service provision; recruiting and training the right staff is required to create a competitive advantage. Customers make judgments about service provision and delivery based on the people representing in an organization. This is because people are one of the few elements of the service that customers can see and interact with. Process This element of the marketing mix looks at the systems used to deliver the service. Imagine. An efficient service is needed to make faster process. How quickly and better services they can be provided. Physical evidence Physical evidence is about where the service is being delivered from. It is particularly relevant to retailers operating out of shops. This element of the marketing mix will distinguish a company from its competitors. Physical evidence can be used to charge a premium price for a service and establish a positive experience. All the church provide same service but need to know about their charge and neat and clean environment. Marketing mix for a service has additional elements because the characteristics of a service are different to the characteristics of a product. To certain extent managing services are more complicated then managing products, products can be standardized, to standardize a service is more difficult as there it can be affected by factors outside the service providers control. If I would the pastor of XCITE church I would apply this marketing mix to my church for additional source of income. I think this strategy would be better option for the church.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Flesh Fly (Sarcophagidae) Insect Dissection

Flesh Fly (Sarcophagidae) Insect Dissection Insect Physiology Lab Report of Insect Dissection (Reproductive System) Flesh Fly (Sarcophagidae) Abdirizak Nur Roble Introduction Flesh fly belongs to the family of Sarcophagidae, and the name is a  Greek word that consist of two word which are:  sarco means  flesh and phage  means eating and commonly known as flesh flies. They differ from most flies in that they are  ovoviviparous (their eggs hatch at the moments that they are expelled), and they opportunistically deposit a maggots on  carrion (meat), dung, decaying material, or open wounds of mammals, hence getting their common name (Marshall, 2012). Some flesh fly larvae are internal  parasites  of other insects such as  Orthoptera, and some, in particular the Miltogramminae, are  kleptoparasites  of solitary  Hymenoptera; although most of the more 3000 world species of Sarcophagidae probably develop om invertebrate tissue as scavengers, predators, parasitoids or kleptoparasites (Marshall, 2012) . The flesh fly, (Sarcophagidae: Diptera) is an important ectoparasite as it causes myiasis in human and other mammals (Dutto and Bertero, 2010). It has become a great concern in many parts in the world such as Bangladesh as it is a serious agent affecting human health, livestock, fish and other animal food processing factories. The maggots of this species take their nourishment from unprotected fish and meat, thus contaminate them and reducing their nutritional value (Majumder at al. 2014). The adults of most genera are easily recognizable by the gray thorax possessing longitudinal black stripes (Fig. 1). Some members of this diverse genus are significant parasitoids of locusts as well as cicadas while other have the ability to locate their hosts by sound. It can be found in everywhere in the world, even in city parks and backyards, where some breed abundantly in mundane debris (Marshall, 2012). Sarcophagids are a very useful tool for the forensic entomologist, like many other insects, they can be used to estimate the time of the death of the person (Nishida 1984, Oliveira-Costa and Mello-Patiu 2004). Weather conditions and geographic location are key factors to consider when using insect evidence to estimate the time death time of a corpse as the variation associated with time of colonization after death is not completely understood at this time (Catts 1992). The reproductive organs of insects show an incredible variety of forms, but there is a basic design and function to each component so that even the most unusual reproductive system can be understood in terms of a generalized plan. Individual components of the reproductive system can vary in shape, position and number for example, the number of ovarian or testicular tubes, or sperm storage organs so on; are different between the insect groups, and sometimes even between different species within a genus. Knowledge of the homology of the components assists in interpreting structure and function in different insects (Gullan and Cranston 2014). The General male reproductive system is shown in the below picture (Fig: 2). It is important to note here that variation among insect reproductive systems is great since they are the most diverse organism that live in our world. Even closely related species are often isolated from one another through small variations in the morphology of reproductive organs which prohibits interspecies mating and to keep each species his existence. However, a generalized system can be constructed that closely represents all reproductive systems insects. Sometimes it’s very difficult to see the reproductive systems of the insect we dissected and we do not want to be alarmed if you we are unable to locate the structures on your dissected specimens. We need to be familiar with differences in male and female genitalia and be able to identify structures when given a diagram. The best approach to understand the insect reproductive systems and the insect internal morphology in general is to preform insect dissection; in this way one can see clearly if he/she follows the corre ct procedures to form the dissection. Objectives The main objective of this lab work was to locate and identify structures associated with the reproductive morphology of the insect as well as to understand and explain the functions of specific structures associated with the insect reproductive systems. Material and Methods The male adult fly was captured from Ongku Omra college area and the flesh fly was kept alive in the Center of Insect Systematic Center (CIS) in the Faculty of Science and Technology at UKM until the dissection time. The insect were killed with an alcohol which the concentration was 70%. After the insect died the legs and the wings were removed but the rest of the insect were kept in order to assist the dissection process (the head and the thorax were pinned to give some stability during the abdomen openings). After the abdomen was opened under stereoscopic microscope, the thorax and the head were removed. The reproductive system was removed out by using very fine forceps and some pining needles. The reproductive organ were cleaned up and was placed in clean petri-dish. The different components of reproductive system were photographed and the observation of the structure of the reproductive system was started. Result and discussion The adult male shows a pair of elongated and brown colored testes one on each side of the abdomen laying just below the alimentary canal (Fig. 3). The vasa deferentia was whitish paired canal which starts from the end of testis and these vasa transportspermfrom the epididymis  to the  ejaculatory ducts. The ejaculatory duct was a long and narrow tube which led to the ejaculatory sac formed by the union of two vasa deferentia. The ejaculatory duct color was light to creamy and it was in spiral shape.  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ The testes were cylindrical in shape and dark brownish in color and the vasa deferentia was relatively short and ejaculatory duct was long as Keucheniusv (1913) discriped in mosquitoes (Culex). The vasa deferentia were generally short and became wavy to form a common ejaculatory duct. There was a soft tube-shaped and whitish twisted accessory gland which located at the frontal end of the ejaculatory duct just behind the vas deferens. Eshcherich (1894) reported that there was pairs of tubular type accessory glands in the male genital system of Musca and Tabanus. Also Keuchenius reported that in Culex. In the current dissection of the flesh fly the accessory glands are almost similar to that in Musca and Tabanus. The base part of the ejaculatory duct showed a muscular sacà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ like structure known as ejaculatory sac, located before the aedeagus. Hewit (1912) reported the ejaculatory sac in Musca and Keuchenius (1913) also confirmed the existence of ejaculatory sac in many Dipteran species. The flesh fly dissection showed the occurrence of a small muscular sacà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ like which located behind the male genitalia. The end part of the ejaculatory duct was enclosed and it forms the male aedeagus. After the insect was dissected and the reproductive system was removed from the rest of the body and it has been drawn and the (Fig: 4) below indicates the reproductive system that was observed under microscope of the flesh fly.  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ The dissected insect had the same structures and features of Boettcherisca peregrina (Diptera : Sarcophagidae) that was dissected by Majumder (2014) and the picture below (Fig: 5) shows the similarity of the two reproductive systems. In conclusion carrying out an insect dissection experiment will enhance one’s knowledge of the insect’s internal morphology as well as identify and learning about the different parts that associated. It will also give opportunity to understand the functions of specific structures that are associated with the insect reproductive systems. References Capinera, J. L. 2008. Encyclopedia of Entomology. Springer. Catts, E. 1992. Problems in Estimating the Postmortem Interval in Death Investigations. Journal of Agricultural Entomology 9(4): 245-255. Dutto, M. Bertero, M. 2010. Traumatic Myiasis from Sarcophaga (Bercaea) Cruentata Meigen, 1826 (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) in a Hospital Environment: Reporting of a Clinical Case Following Polytrauma. J Prev Med Hyg 51(1): 50-52. Eshcherich, K. 1894. Anatomische Studien uber das mannlche Genital system der Coleopteran. Z.Wiss. Zool. 57: 620à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 641. Gullan, P. J. Cranston, P. S. 2014. The Insects: An Outline of Entomology. John Wiley Sons. Hewitt, C. G. 1912. Fannia (Homalomyia) canicularis. Linn. and F scalaris Fab. Paraisitol. 5:161  174. Keuchenius, P.E. 1913. The structure of the internal genitalia of sonic male Diptera. Z. Wiss. Zool.105: 50là ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 536. Majumder, M. Z. R., Dash, M. K., Khan, H. R. Khan, R. A. 2014. The Reproductive Biology of Flesh Fly, Boettcherisca Peregrina (Robineauà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Desvoidy, 1830)(Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences 23(1): 61-67. Marshall, S. A. 2012. Flies: The Natural History and Diversity of Diptera. Firefly Books Buffalo, NY. Nishida, K. 1984. [Experimental Studies on the Estimation of Postmortem Intervals by Means of Fly Larvae Infesting Human Cadavers]. Nihon hoigaku zasshi= The Japanese journal of legal medicine 38(1): 24-41. Oliveira-Costa, J. De Mello-Patiu, C. A. 2004. Application of Forensic Entomology to Estimate of the Postmortem Interval (Pmi) in Homicide Investigations by the Rio De Janeiro Police Department in Brazil. Emergence 234(3978): 165.175.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Negative Consequences of Cigarette Smoking Essay -- Cigarette Smoking

Negative Consequences of Cigarette Smoking Everyone has a family member, friend, or co-worker who smokes. They have chosen to smoke, but by just being around them, many people are also smoking. Before one chooses to take this risk he should think what problems can he face because of it. There are many causes for smoking but effects of smoking are same. Smoking is a hazardous habit because it leads to addiction, disease, and high-risk pregnancy. Commercials show that smoking is a way to relax and to be cool by smoking cigarettes; they never show the negative side of it. For example, addiction is one of the bad side effects of smoking and it is caused by nicotine. Once one inhales the cigarette he or she will want the need for another one. Many people change there personalities because of the addiction to smoking. One may adopt more grouchy and violent behavior and need a cigarette to relax, but instead it is doing more damage. Researchers have found ways to control addictions and some have succeeded while many have failed. People at a younger age start to get addicted by the nicotine in the cigarette and this is where the problem starts. One of the major effects of smoking is also causing of fatal diseases. First, a major disease caused by smoking is cancer. According to American lung association of Texas lung cancer is leading killer of both men and women in U.S.A and number one cause of lung cancer is smoking. This disease can change into a huge problem if it is... Negative Consequences of Cigarette Smoking Essay -- Cigarette Smoking Negative Consequences of Cigarette Smoking Everyone has a family member, friend, or co-worker who smokes. They have chosen to smoke, but by just being around them, many people are also smoking. Before one chooses to take this risk he should think what problems can he face because of it. There are many causes for smoking but effects of smoking are same. Smoking is a hazardous habit because it leads to addiction, disease, and high-risk pregnancy. Commercials show that smoking is a way to relax and to be cool by smoking cigarettes; they never show the negative side of it. For example, addiction is one of the bad side effects of smoking and it is caused by nicotine. Once one inhales the cigarette he or she will want the need for another one. Many people change there personalities because of the addiction to smoking. One may adopt more grouchy and violent behavior and need a cigarette to relax, but instead it is doing more damage. Researchers have found ways to control addictions and some have succeeded while many have failed. People at a younger age start to get addicted by the nicotine in the cigarette and this is where the problem starts. One of the major effects of smoking is also causing of fatal diseases. First, a major disease caused by smoking is cancer. According to American lung association of Texas lung cancer is leading killer of both men and women in U.S.A and number one cause of lung cancer is smoking. This disease can change into a huge problem if it is...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Tradition and Customs in So Long A Letter by Mariama Ba Essay -- Paper

Tradition and Customs in So Long A Letter by Mariama Ba Tradition and customs very often hold an important position in ones life and culture. The novel So Long A Letter, by Mariama Ba, is based on the Senegalese culture and shows how important tradition is in Africa. The novel is a series of letters written by a recently widowed woman, Ramatoulaye, to her best friend Aissatou. The transition through the many grieving stages and traditional mourning events are explained, as well as a woman?s place in a Senegalese society and family. According to Muslim tradition, which was the dominant tradition in Senegal, when Ramatoulaye?s husband, Modou, passed away, she had to mourn over her loss for three months. During this time, friends and family members gathered in her house to accompany her. One of the traditions, which she wasn?t too fond of, was having to give up her possessions and belongings as gifts to her in-laws, as well as her deceased husband?s personal secrets. This whole process was a way of giving up herself as a person. ?Beyond her possessions she gives up her ...

Cloning: The Ethical Dilemma :: Biology

Cloning: The Ethical Dilemma Following the successful cloning of a lamb to produce Dolly, a genetically identical twin of its mother lamb, controversy has arose over the frightening prospects of cloning technology. Although undeniable that the ability to clone livestock and even humans is a leap in medical advancement, such technology must be utilized with careful considerations to the issue of ethics. There are many obvious advantages of cloning technology which comes to mind with the successful cloning of Dolly. Of most immediate concern will be the ability to clone a variety of animal species for food, research and medical uses. For instance, farmers can now opt to farm only genetically cloned, top quality animals. Another possibility can be the mass cloning of animals with genetic defects that mimic human diseases. This will facilitate large-scale scientific research of such diseases. Cloning also raises the possibility of producing transgenic animals, which can help alleviate human organ shortage by providing organs for transplant. There are still many more opportunities resulting from cloning that cannot be discussed here due to the brevity of this essay. Judging by the many advantages of cloning, should we then jump into this new technology without further hesitation? There are ethical issues that must be carefully considered. For instance, is it right for us to turn to human farming to provide suitable organs for transplants? Are we not infringing on the rights of these human clones? Or do we not even consider them to be in the same class as us? What about the possibility of having designer babies? Would not it be perfect if we are able to select babies the way we buy our groceries, selecting those without inherent flaws? What about those who cannot afford to have their babies made to order? Will their children be subject to discrimination simply because they are less than perfect? Other than ethic issues alone, there are medical issues to take into consideration as well. Cloning technology is still in its infancy and as yet, long term effects of cloning are still unpredictable. Should we then go ahead with mass cloning when we are still groping in the dark as to its future consequences? There is a need for us to view cloning research in the right perspective. As with any other medical research, it can be a double-edged sword if exploited in the wrong manner.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Roll of Communication in Management

Communication is the process of transmitting information and meaning. It is important for managers to develop their communication skills, because it is one major skills needed by managers. The management roles, which are interpersonal, informational, and decisional and the management functions, which are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling all require communication. There are many types of communication. 1. vertical communication. The definition of vertical communication is the flow of information both downward and upward through the organizational chain of command. Some also refer to it as formal communication. Downward communication kind of speaks for itself; top-level management produces decisions that are communicated down to tell employees how to perform their job. 2. upward communication. This is when employees send a message threw the chain of command, to the managers. This type of communication is very good for employees because they feel they are being noticed in the organization. Managers also benefit from this because they learn more about the organization. 3. horizontal communication. Horizontal communication is defined as the flow of information between colleagues and peers. Although it is a form of formal communication, it does not follow a chain of command. Horizontal communication happens when persons of equal rank, if you will, communicate to each other. 4. grapevine communication. It is defined as the flow of information in any direction throughout the organization. This is a form of informal communication. This can flow in any direction, at anytime. Rumors get spread this way. Managers can correct situations by sending correct information down the chain of command. The next term I would like to define and describe is the communication process. The communication process consists of a sender who encodes a message and transmits it through a channel to a receiver who decodes it and may give feedback. There are four steps in this process. One, the sender encodes the message and selects the transmission channel. Two, the message is transmitted through a channel. Three, the receiver decodes the message and decides if feedback is needed. Four, feedback, response, or new message may be transmitted through a channel. In defining the first one that is, the sender encodes the message and selects the channel, we must define the different parts of that phrase. Encoding is defined as the sender's process of putting the message into a form that the receiver will understand. When selecting a channel there are three primary communication channels, which are oral, nonverbal, and written. The sender should choose the most appropriate one to warrant the needs of the situation. The second step in the communication process is, the sender transmits the message. After the sender has encoded the message, and selected a channel it is transmitted to the receiver. There are many barriers one being noise. This can confuse the receiver and he or she may not be able to understand it correctly. The third step in the communication process is, the receiver decodes the message and decides if feedback is needed. Decoding is defined as the receiver's process of translating the message into a meaningful form. The receiver decides if there is something needed in return, such as feedback, a response, or a new message. There are many barriers to mess up this step. Some of these are trust, credibility, not listening, and emotional barriers. The forth step in the communication process is feedback: a response or a new message may be transmitted. The role of the receiver and sender can change at anytime during this communication process. There are three different channels to communicate through, oral, non-verbal, and written. Oral communication is verbal communication. You can communicate fast with a one on one oral communication. The amount of time it takes to communicate this way to many persons is where it lacks. Nonverbal communication is messages sent without words. Body language is included in nonverbal communication. Facial expressions and vocal quality are both parts of body language. Written communication provides a record and is usually more accurate then oral communication. Some examples of this are memos, letters, reports, and posters. I would now like to discuss and define feedback. Feedback is the process of verifying messages. You can use feedback to describe the fact that didn't understand the sender's message this is referred to as paraphrasing. The definition of paraphrasing is the process of having the receiver restate the message in his or her own words. Communications management focuses on the efficient and effective management of all ex-change relations between an organization and its stakeholders. Corporate communications as part of the communications management process is about presenting corporate policy, and creating a positive relationship with an organization's environment. Promoting the relationships with all the relevant stakeholders acts as an extremely important tool to gain corporate success and competitive advantage

Friday, August 16, 2019

Critical Thinking Assignment: Buddhism

1. The question of Origin- Those who follow Buddhism have faith that the universe and god are one and the same. (Weider & Gutierrez, 201, 56) Buddhist turn to the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama also known as Buddha to live correct and at death escape the course of karma. After death, they trust they will become one with the universe. 2. The question of identity- The question of identity in Buddhism is answered in their belief that all living things are equal. They believe you must live according to the teachings of Buddha in order to escape karma and reincarnation after death. . The question of meaning/purpose- For Buddhist the primary goal is to reach Nirvana and end all personal suffering. In order to end suffering one must eliminate all fleshly desires and follow the teachings of Buddha which consists of the â€Å"Four Noble Truths† and the â€Å"Noble Eightfold Path†. 4. The question of morality- Because Buddhist believe everything is sacred they follow the † Ethical Code† instructed in the â€Å"Eightfold Path† which entails refrain from all forms of evil. The major points in the â€Å"ethical code† are; one must keep from taking a person’s life, stealing, immoral sexual behavior, lying and intoxication. 5. The question of destiny- Buddha rejected the idea Hindus hold about karma, which states that a person will continue to be reincarnated throughout time. He believed that one could escape through the denial of personal desires which lead to dissatisfaction because nothing in this world lasts. Buddha taught that everyone could reach Nirvana as long as they lived right. Once they reach Nirvana believers will live in a state where one feel neither hate nor love. Part 2: Compare and Contrast 1. The question of origin- Christians believe God is the creator of the universe and everything in it. Buddhist believers follow the idea that the universe and everything in it are one and the same. To the Buddhist everything has always existed unlike for Christians who believe there was a beginning which is explained in the book of Genesis. 2. The question of Identity-In Genesis 1:27 the bible states that we are created in the image of God. Just as we inherit traits from our parents we inherit traits from God. Buddhist believe humans and animals are one with the universe and both are equal in importance. 3. The question of meaning and purpose- For Christian’s the meaning and purpose of humans is found in John 17:3. John tells us that we are to know God through his Son Jesus Christ. We are to have a close intimate relationship with God. As ambassadors of Christ we are to go and communicate to the world what we know about Jesus, who makes this relationship with God possible. Buddhist do not believe in a personal God. They believe god is distant and does not become involved personally involved in people’s lives. The Buddhist believe their main purpose in to escape the karma and reach Nirvana where they will live without any desire. 4. The question of morality- Without God we are unable to determine what actions are right and wrong (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p 61) Christian believers follow the word of God as a guide to live their live. The bible calls believers to love God and to love their neighbor as they love themselves. These two commandments keeps believers from sinning against their neighbor. Buddhist believer in Buddha’s â€Å"Four Noble Truths† and the â€Å"Eight Noble Truths†. Their â€Å"Ethical Conduct† section says a person should conduct himself with â€Å"right speech, right action, and right livelihood. † These codes will liberate a person from the cycle of karma. Unlike Christians Buddhist do not believe in forgiveness the way Jesus offers it. However both beliefs agree that respect is inevitable to live in peace. 5. The question of destiny- Christians believe in heaven and hell. The difference in where a person will go depends on their acceptance in Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives. Repentance of sin is followed by the forgiveness of Christ. A Christian will live for eternity in heaven if they accept the forgiveness offered by Jesus Christ. Buddhist believe â€Å"salvation† must be worked out. According to the teachings of Buddha anyone can reach Nirvana as long as the person works to behave â€Å"right† during their lifetime.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Socio-Cultural Impact on Love, Marriage, and Kinship

Carine Garcon ANT 3212 Wayne A. Abrahamson Spring 2013 The Socio-Cultural Impact on Love, Marriage, and Kinship One’s perspective of the world is consistently altered by our surroundings and influenced by the events that take place. In the past approximately 50 years divorce rates have risen a significant incredibly high. Many researchers have associated this phenomena the contemporary society marriage symbolizes and values. This idea and representation of love have conversely affected and impacted relationships. Thus, the topic that will be investigated is how society and cultural has affected our notion of love, marriage, and kinship.One of the ways society has impacted the notion of marriage is that fact that the government attempts to regulate marriages. â€Å"A few states realize the importance of marriage, and they have taken action to try to change our notion on marriage. Louisiana, Arizona, and Arkansas they believed in covenant marriages. According to the journal cov enant marriage required the following†¦ This movement set out to promote and strengthen marriages, reduce divorce rates, lessen the number of children born out of wedlock, discourages cohabitation, and frame marriage as an honorable and desirable institution. † (Hawkins et al. 002:166) Because of the fact that the contemporary culture has lost sight of the significance of marriage, the government attempted to regulate the marriages within certain states. Furthermore, the state of Florida has made it harder for couples to get married and also get a divorce. The state has now implemented a 3- day waiting period for marriage licenses if couples do not seek premarital education, hoping to reduce impulsive, ill-advised unions. (Hawkins et al. 2002:166) It is clear why the government has attempted to regulate and restrict the amount of marriages that potentially can happen.Years ago marriage was considered to be a divine, sacred union shared between two people before God. This union was intended to be a union that lasted a lifetime and previously the option to dissipate the marriage did not exist. In the current state of marriage, people get married they do not see it as something that is supposed to be forever, but instead as something temporarily. Divorce has become too easy and feasible for people to obtain. I personally believe this current generation people confuse lust for love. Most people would tell someone that they love them, but instead it is really lust.It seems that no one really knows the differences between lust and love, so the two words are commonly mistaken and used in the wrong way. Even in movies and mass entertainment, love and relationships are portrayed negatively with glamour. The typical story begins with a man who convinces a girl with the idea and possibility of love. Once she is vulnerable the couple would most likely indulge in sexual intercourse. When this happens the man then leaves, the woman regrets the decision. These thi ngs are glamourized and popularized by the mass media and a result, the youth is then influenced to mimic the same.The psychological effects of the mass media are subtle, but long-term. (Galician 2004) As a child coming from a Christian background I read the bible very often. The bible is a great source to view and analyze the changes that have happened throughout the last 5 decades, because much of the ideals were based upon its contents. In the book of Matthew chapter 22:36-44 it states, â€Å"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? † Jesus replied: â€Å"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your mind.This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second command is similar stating, â€Å"Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. † (Matthew 22:36-44) Out of all the Ten Commandments these two were considered to be the most coveted and highly regarded. This emph asis on the idea that love should be a highly heralded and powerful word in is uses and approach. The order in which these commandments are given, also place emphasis and attention towards how one who is reading the text should perceive it.In the journal, On A Paradox Of Christian Love Liu exclaimed that these two commandments direct ones love to distinct objects. (Liu 2007:681) The commandments were placed in a certain order as â€Å"first† and â€Å"second† to illustrate importance and respect. By putting these commandments in an order it is assumed that the one must achieve a spiritual love with everything in your body and mind, and only after can you love can love someone else (neighbor). The bible has influenced a large amount of the Western society and culture. From a biblical stand point you cannot love anyone else unless your love is rooted with a divine spirit.I believe that if it has to do with our culture then inversely it pertains to love, thus as a society we are blinded by what we want to see. It is critical that one see’s the need to learn to take time and careful thought into deciding whether or not we’re in love. Love is patient, so it’s okay to take your time to fall for someone because if it is true love than it will reveal itself in its own right. Also, the stress placed upon by people on love results in the spending of time and hours wondering if there is true love in their relationship.The impact that culture has had on the social relations of love have led to the belief that love is based off of what one can do for the other, while in its essence and purity love isn’t based on that logic and reasoning but emotion and feeling. In the textbook it explains how a man spent most of his time away from his home, so the child grew up under the influence of their mothers and matrilineal relatives. If praise or shame failed to control the behavior of children, the withdrawal of maternal affection had a pow erful effect. King 2003) In today’s culture and society the result adverse conditions and occurrences are happening. By contemporary society, men are supposed to be considered as the primary provider for their families. Women are widely considered to be the ones that bear the responsibility of child bearing and maintaining the stability and homeostasis of the home. Though the effect is not the extent and extreme of a mother taking away her affection from a child, but the equivalent in terms of linearity would be a mother in this day and age placing the child in time out as a form of punishment.This idea also delves a deeper in the explanation of adolescent girls who become â€Å"quickly incorporated into the highly organized female kinship group, and boys [who] sought out special friendships with each other to provide mutual support in adulthood. † (King 2003) In analyzation how love is specially affected by the socio-cultural factors of today, the analysis of the term ‘kinship’ can be addressed to further the discussion. Kinship isn’t just considered to be relationship through blood, but it also means relation by marriage, or adoption.Again television and mass has led us to believe that most families are generally tight knit and very close, but in reality most families are seriously dysfunctional. (Galician 2004) Throughout all of this dysfunction, families still manage to find some form of stability amongst them. Overall kin generally stick together, and maintain a decent relationship with each other. In the textbook King explains how marriages takes place in the Ancient areas towards the east (Massachusett, Iroquois, Cherokee). He explained that if a man had a bride in mind he would have two options.Ask a family to propose a match to the other family, or to attract the girl himself. If the guy proved himself to be worthy the family would accept the couples sexual relationship, and if it eventually at the end of the process a wedding would take place. (King 2003) The family tests the couple’s relationship based upon the sex and essentially, if the sex was proven adequate, then the couple would then get married. King further explained that an ordinary man would take extra wives to help around with their community duties or ambitions.Furthermore, in this time period bride service was very common. A new husband would go live with his in-laws to perform these duties. (King 2003) These days, a new husband would not go live with his in- laws and he most certainly wouldn’t be performing bride services. This is one example of the extreme changes that have occurred socially and culturally in regards to marriage. Conclusively, culture and media has had an impact on how we view marriage, love, and kinship. Most people no longer view marriage as being permanent, but instead as being temporary.They no longer believe in fighting to make their relationship work, they’d much rather divorce or sepa rate and prevent and reconciliation in their differences. It is worldwide postulation that love is difficult, but our culture has misled us to believe that love is effortlessly attainable. Even in regards to kinship, part of love and relationships with anyone is to maintain ties with your family. Overall, because of the socio-cultural conditions the ideas of relationships are ever changing and thus complex in its nature.References Cited Galician, M. (2004). Sex, love & romance in the mass media analysis & criticism of unrealistic portrayals & their influence. Mahwah, N. J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. King, Glenn. Traditional Cultures: A Survey of Nonwestern Experience and Achievement. (2003). Waveland Press, Long Grove, IL. Hawkins, Alan J. , Steven L. Nock, Julia C. Wilson, Laura Sanchez, and James D. Wright. â€Å"Attitudes About Covenant Marriage and Divorce: Policy Implications From a Three-State Comparison*. † Family Relations 51. (2002): 166-175. Web. Huston, Ted L. â€Å"The Social Ecology of Marriage and Other Intimate Unions. † Journal of Marriage and Family 62. 2 (2000): 298-320. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. Liu, Qingping. â€Å"On A Paradox Of Christian Love. † Journal of Religious Ethics 35. 4 (2007): 681-94. Print. â€Å"Matthew 22:36-44. † The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised by His Majesty's Special Command. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1979. N. Print.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Theory of Language

1. THEORY OF LANGUAGE The theory of language underlying Duysel Learning was derived from a view of proposed by Turkish Linguistics in the 2000s. Duysel Learning Method involves both the learning of language knowledge and the cultivation of language skills, with the emphasis on both the form and the content of a language. In teaching practice, its all-inclusive nature requires English teachers to select special and effective teaching methods in conformity with its special tasks to avoid turning it into a pure practical course of oral English or a pure theoretical one on grammar.Regardless of all criticism it has received, the grammar-translation method has been an indispensable method in English teaching as well as a necessary step in the cultivation of students’ communicative ability in a non-English environment. A person cannot have successful communication before having a correct mastery of language rules. Although the applicability of the communicative method has been widel y accepted, this method is confronted with some practical problems.I think we should search for a fusion between the traditional teaching method and the modern teaching method with a more rational attitude based on the learner’s practical ability and request that is, adopting a new method fusing the two methods together in one class of comprehensive English. 1. THEORY OF LEARNING Language is the most important aspect in the life of all beings. We use language to express inner thoughts and emotions, make sense of complex and abstract thought, to learn to communicate with others, to fulfill our wants and needs, as well as to establish rules and maintain our culture.Language is a subtle and complex instrument used to communicate an incredible number of different things, but for our purposes here we can reduce the universe of communication to four basic categories: information, direction, emotion, and ceremony. The first two are often treated together because they express cogniti ve meaning while the latter two commonly express emotional meaning. Language is not learned primarily by learning the â€Å"rules† but rather by first listening to and understanding the spoken language and then practicing speaking.Occasionally, however, learning of rules can help many adults learn and use the language. Just do not make rules the focus of the course. While repetition and memorization can play an important role in language learning, they cannot by themselves insure that students will be able to use the language for any real purpose. Repetition and memorization, if used, must be accompanied by other activities requiring the application of the learned patterns in novel situations and with variation in vocabulary and even structure. . DESIGN a. Objectives/Syllabus In Duysel Learning Method, grammar teaching is not intended for studying grammar but help students to grasp language rules and fulfill listening, speaking, reading and writing practice in a better way. A s a result, teachers should create situations for real activities according to students’ daily life to guide students to understand, grasp and use grammar correctly in such situations.I once adopted a four-step method including introduction, imitation, summary and application to promote grammar teaching at comprehensive English class. In the introduction section, the teacher gives oral demonstration on some original or relevant sentences related to a certain grammar rule in order to introduce it. Selected examples should be in conformity with certain communicative situations hence putting it across to students to what situations this grammar rule applies.In the imitation process, students are required to have oral imitation of some expressions fit for the given situation after understanding examples, which further establishes a pattern for correct use of grammar knowledge in a new situation as well as checks whether they have understood the given knowledge points or not. In t he summary part, students are guided to sum up grammatical rules and points by analyzing specific situations themselves so that they will enjoy the joy of success. Students are expected to take notes so as to accumulate material for review.In the last step, some real situations are set to help students to practice using the learnt grammatical knowledge to have communication. Once they find that they can apply grammar to real communication and specific tasks instead of memorizing grammatical rules, students’ learning enthusiasm will be stimulated and their ability of independent analysis and solving problems will be cultivated as well. b. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities Duysel Learning Method emphasizes students’ comprehensive training in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation.Due to the specialty of listening and speaking training, they are usually dealt with separately while other three skills are mainly trained through the learning of texts. As for listening and speaking, students are expected to follow classes given in English, to understand short conversations, lectures as well as reports with familiar topics, simple structure and a speed of 120 words per minute, to ask and answer and retell based on relevant listening material, to make conferred presentations based on familiar topics after adequate preparation.Obviously, the communicative method helps to achieve the teaching goal in listening and speaking practice. In practice, teachers may ask students to listen to tapes, do exercises and have discussions based on hot issues with teachers’ checking and instruction; they may also analyze some difficult points in listening material and have more extensive learning of new words and expressions. However, those who have been accustomed to the traditional method tend to keep silent and think little of this method since they cannot learn sufficient knowledge and language points.As a result, teachers should use the g rammar-translation method at times with the communicative method as the main line. For instance, some difficult points at the linguistic level can be explained with the traditional method. Students’ reading, writing and translation skills are mainly trained in learning texts. Teachers are expected to base their teaching on texts to give students certain information and language knowledge first of all by focusing on the translation and understanding of texts and then establish new situations beyond the texts for practice of communicative skills.I once adopted a four-step method including preparatory reading, listening and answering, communication on text and conferred communication in the text teaching process, achieving a natural transition and fusion of grammar-translation training and communicative training. In the first step, students are required to preview a text beforehand with their grammar-translation experience in which they can make sure about some new words, the gi st of the text and some questions and therefore have the next day’s class with full preparation.In the second step, the teacher first asks students to correct their pronunciation and intonation by imitating the tape and then plays the tape once again for students to answer questions or make judgments so as to check their preparatory reading. In the third step, the teacher may guide students to have communication in the context related to the text and help them to solve some problems in key words, sentences and understanding of content they displayed in the previous two steps.When explaining key words and sentences, the grammar-translation method should be used to deepen students’ understanding of the text and improve their ability to use language correctly and flexibly through right communication on the text. In the last step, students’ enthusiasm for communication is fully encouraged. Here the communication in this step is different from that in the previous st eps since teachers need to employ a variety of advanced teaching methods to create language situations and communicative tasks which originating from text while going beyond of it.Students are able to apply what they have learnt to real communication through continuing writing texts, having simulated dialogues, having role-plays, having discussions and so on, hence achieving the purpose of communicating ideas through language. c. Learner Roles Learners have to participate in classroom activities that were based on a cooperative rather than individualistic approach to learning. Students have to become comfortable with listening to their peers in group work or pair work tasks, rather than relying on the teacher for a model.They are expected to take on a greater degree of responsibility for their own learning. d. Teacher Roles Teachers have to assume the role of facilitator and monitor. Rather than being a model for correct speech and writing and one with the primary responsibility of making students produce plenty of error-free sentences, the teacher have to develop a different view of learners’ errors and of her/his own role in facilitating language learning. e. The Role of Instructional Materials Classical texts and carefully compiled texts according to grammar system are used.The materials usually consist of three parts: grammar, vocabulary, and text. The main functions of the materials used in Duysel Learning are presenting and reinforcing grammar rules and new words, and offering cultural information. Additionally, exercise handbooks, cue cards, activity cards, pair-communication practice materials. And student interaction practice booklets are employed in the activities with the aim of improving communicative skills. f. The Role of Native Language The role of language in learning cannot be over-emphasized. Language is the prime resource teachers have and use for mediating learning.When learning languages, then, teachers and students are working with language simultaneously as an object of study and as a medium for learning. In teaching languages, the target language is not simply a new code – new labels for the same concepts; rather, effectively taught, the new language and culture being learned offer the opportunity for learning new concepts and new ways of understanding the world. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also for explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework. However, native language is only used in making translation. . Feelings of Students Learner’s feelings are very important because students will be more motivated to study a foreign language since they will feel they are learning to do something useful with the language. They are given an opportunity to express their individuality by having them share their ideas and opinions on a regular basis. h. Evaluation The teacher evaluates not only the students’ accuracy, but also t heir fluency. Use an integrative test which has a real communicative function. To assess students’ writing skill, a teacher might ask them to write a letter to a friend.Written tests in which students are asked to translate from their native language to the target language or vice versa are also used. Questions about the foreign culture or questions that ask students to apply grammar rules are common. i. Treatments of Errors Errors of form are tolerated during fluency–based activities and they are seen as a natural outcome of the development of communication skills. But in the translation part, having the students get the correct answer is considered very important. If students make errors or don't know an answer, the teacher supplies them with the correct answer.